Friday, September 11, 2015


Peters says government is in the process of finalising the re-introduction of the draeger breathalyser test.

FILE: Transport Minister Dipuo Peters. Picture: EWN

    JOHANNESBURG - Transport Minister Dipuo Peters says authorities must deal decisively with drunk driving as a committee meets to discuss the option of imposing a minimum two year jail sentence for motorists caught driving under the influence.

Lawmakers are currently considering lowering the blood-alcohol limitto 0,02 gramms per 100 milliliters instead of the current 0,05 gramms per 100 milliliters.

Peters says government is in the process of finalising the re-introduction of the draeger breathalyser test.

“The Cabinet of the Republic of South Africa led by President Jacob Zuma on Wednesday discussed the challenges that are related to drunk and driving and those who drive under some substances or drugs that alter their ability to concentrate on the roads.”

Meanwhile, The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has released its annual report for the year 2014 to 2015, showing thatmore than 4,500 people died on South African roads.

(Edited by Winnie Theletsane)

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